For furniture retailers, delivering amazing customer satisfaction is key to business success and reputation. But all too often we hear from potential clients that their customers are unhappy, are leaving bad reviews, and that this is impacting their reputation online by word of mouth.

However, at the same time, these retailers say they have a prominent retail presence, a fantastic range of furniture to offer, and sales teams who smash their targets, leaving customers delighted with their purchasing experience.

So, what is going wrong?

An important fact that furniture retailers must consider is, no matter how much they delight the customer in the store, a poor after-sales experience can result in post-purchase dissonance and will be the difference between a potentially bad review and a customer who will sing your company’s praises to anyone who will listen.

One of the key areas where customers become unsatisfied post-purchase is about the delivery of their new furniture, they’ve been given a delivery date, the date comes and goes, and nothing arrives, leaving them frustrated and wondering what is going on. The result is an unhappy customer, support staff tied up dealing with inbound queries about orders, and a higher likelihood of complaints, canceled orders, or returns when the items do arrive.

At Ordorite, we understand that changes to inbound deliveries are often unavoidable and often out of the retailer’s control, however, how delays are managed is key to ensuring the customer remains satisfied and those all-important positive reviews. Ensuring customer satisfaction for furniture retailers is at the core of Ordorite’s mission, therefore the Ordorite end-to-end furniture retail management software solution for furniture retailers is built with effective inbound delivery management in mind.

One of the key features of Ordorite is that the system will automate the delivery and logistics processes, including communications to customers regarding their delivery dates. This will ensure the customer is always kept in the loop about any delays or changes to their delivery date ahead of time. What’s more, Ordorite enables customers to pick their chosen delivery date, then, due to furniture retail software’s highly accurate route planning and delivery scheduling features, the customer will even receive an update with a one-hour timeslot for their delivery on the day.

Ordorite works closely with all furniture retail clients to optimize their use of the software to enable them to offer optimum customer satisfaction through refined and automated processes, while also improving organization effectiveness across all areas of the business including, sales, marketing, logistics, warehouse management and finance.

If you are a furniture or bedding retailer looking to increase your business efficiency while improving stock accuracy and gross margins, why not get in touch with Ordorite today to arrange a system demo to explore how Ordorite end-to-end management software can benefit your business?

Get in touch with Ordorite today to discover how you can optimize inbound delivery management and enhance customer satisfaction with an efficient retail management solution.

Get in touch with Ordorite today to discover how you can optimise inbound delivery management and enhance customer satisfaction.