Despite past predictions of ecommerce and online shopping by-passing brick-and-mortar stores, the physical retail stores are still as popular as ever.  Driving foot traffic is always a big challenge for retailers, and it’s important for retailers to keep on top of the customer trends at the moment. More foot traffic means an opportunity for more sales and customer engagement, which in turn will leads to increased revenue. It’s important to plan and assess how you are bringing in foot traffic, and using some proven marketing tactics to get them into store. Here are 6 tips to increase foot traffic.

 1. Aim to serve your customers’ immediate needs

Knowing your target audience and your customers’ immediate needs is vital for success. All customers are different, each one having different needs, wants and desires; and understanding these is the key to increasing footfall, and in turn increasing profit. Sell products based on the current style and trends of your customers. 

2. Offer deals, discount codes

One of the best ways to increase footfall to your store is to offer deals and discount codes. There are many ways you can do this, such as giving customers’ 10% off their next purchase, providing discount codes to loyal customers, and offering a free item with a purchase. These types of incentives increase the likelihood of customers visiting for the first time or coming back into store after a previous purchase.

3. Use loyalty programs

Loyalty programs are a great way to keep customers coming back in store. Offer a discount to customers if they spend a certain amount in store, or give them 10% off their next purchase. 

4. Have a social media presence

Social media is such a big thing these days, and having a social media presence is absolutely crucial to gaining footfall instore. Knowing your customers can tell you which social media platforms they use, and which platforms you should be advertising on. You might have more customers using Facebook than Instragam, or vice versa. There are many ways to increase interest on these platforms such as running like and share competitions, and promoting any offers and discounts you have.

5. Create memorable experiences

Customers are now more tech savvy and demanding, and expect an interactive smooth retail experience in store. Create memorable experiences for your customer to entice them to come back into store and increase your footfall. Customers don’t want to waste their time in stores, so make it as easy for them; use a mobile POS system so you can walk around the store with the customer and search availability of products they are looking for, as well as creating a sales order with them from start to finish. Instead of having to run back to the POS till to check availability, it’ll all be at hand, making it a smooth and seamless experience.

6. Use a retail management software

Using a retail management software specific to the furniture and bedding industry such as Ordorite can help you increase you footfall in store. We have an innovative marketing tool to help get your customers back in store and ultimately increase your footfall. It segments your customers into different categories based on their buying habits, and from there you can send them pre-built marketing templates individual to their needs. You can also manage quotations sent out, analyse who has come back into store, manage social reviews written online via Google, Facebook and TrustPilot, and record customers’ interest for future purchases.

These tips should certainly help to increase foot traffic in your store. And a retail management software solution such as Ordorite can help you achieve an increase in foot traffic as well as managing other aspects of your business such as point of sale, purchasing, customer service, warehouse, delivery and logistics, and KPI reporting.

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